Money Mastery
A personal roadmap for financial well-being to pay your monthly bills, pay off debt, save for the future and have money to enjoy life today.
68 learners
Enrolled -
4 hours
Video duration -
27 hours
Course duration -
4 Ebooks
Free of charge
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Join the Financial Strength Institute and you won't regret it..
The Financial Strength Institute ™ (FSI) has been developed to create educational and learning tools which includes the Financial Strength Score™, (FSS) Interestingly, FSI was inspired by the mother of one of the founders, who lived during the depression of 1929. As a single mom raising herself and her brother on a very small income, she watched as her mom managed her money using envelopes to budget her cash.
Personal Finance is simple. Do not spend more than you make!! So why do so many people have difficulty executing this simple concept? Because, like weight loss, you have to change your lifestyle and that’s hard. FSI and FSS have been developed to make it easy - Joanne Garneau - Founder
Personal Finance is simple. Do not spend more than you make!! So why do so many people have difficulty executing this simple concept? Because, like weight loss, you have to change your lifestyle and that’s hard. FSI and FSS have been developed to make it easy - Joanne Garneau - Founder